Other Education Case Studies
Bridlewood Primary School, Swindon

Bridlewood Primary School, Swindon
This was a Design and Build contract based upon a conceptual design on which planning had been granted. The final floor and external levels were finalised after an extensive value engineering exercise.
This is a new school to serve the new community established by a housing development in the area. The building is cost effective traditional build, fair face blockwork finish with the external brick finish being enhanced by feature trusses of timber cladding to gables.
Landscaping and surface finishes externally are sympathetic to the surroundings and incorporate a woodland walk and wildlife pond.
Wicklow Town Community College

Wicklow Town Community College
Wicklow Town Community College was created from the amalgamation of Abbey Vocational School and De La Salle Secondary School and now accommodates 1,000 students.
Construction of a part single/two storey post primary school with a three storey element at the northern part of the site, used for educational purposes accommodating 1,000 pupils, comprising 25 classrooms, 38 specialist classrooms (including woodwork, metalwork, engineering, arts & crafts, computer, music and domestic science), special needs unit, library, staff/administration areas, sports hall, store areas, toilets and ancillary areas.
Building height ranges from c 3.8m at the southern end of the site to c13.365m at the northern end. Provision of playing field, 6 hard surface playing areas, general playing areas, 2 vehicular accesses and pedestrian accesses, 75 car parking spaces, cycling parking areas, bus and car sit down areas and 2 flagpoles. All landscaping and site boundary treatments. All ancillary site development works and one substation. Total gross floor area is 10,410m².
Rosemount Secondary School, Dublin

Rosemount Secondary School, Dublin
This project involved the construction of a new private secondary school on a green field site. The works comprised the demolition of a two storey domestic dwelling, shed buildings and general site clearance.
Construction of the following:
- Two Level Classroom Wing
- Conference and Oratory Wing
- Sports Hall
- Hockey Pitch
- Tennis Court
- Associated Infrastructure Works
Summerhill College, Co. Sligo

Summerhill College, Co. Sligo
The site was located adjacent to Circular Road in Sligo. Initially the site had existing buildings and a 4 bay handball alley. Demolition was required to prepare for construction of the new school. The site for demolition of the handball alley and provision of temporary accommodation was located on the north side of Circular Road, Sligo adjacent to an existing sports field and the old 1890’s school building. This school building is a protected structure.
Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin

Royal College of Surgeons, Dublin
This project included the complete refurbishment of Mercer Court and Millin House student accommodation including furniture fit out/turnkey on a tight ten week programme. Blocks were fully vacated during summer term and had to be fully completed for students returning in mid-September.
Student accommodation was upgraded to bring the building in line with the latest fire legislation and codes and to upgrade the aesthetics including new kitchens and bathroom en-suites. The scope of works also included upgrading the reception/office area at the main entrance to the student apartments.
Bantry Community College, Co. Cork, Ireland

Bantry Community College, Co. Cork, Ireland
These six schools provide places for over 4,700 pupils and make up the second bundle of Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools projects to be delivered under the Department's PPP Programme.
Bantry Community College was part of this second bundle of PPP Schools. As part of the PPP team Sisk were involved in the project from concept stage and worked with the project team to develop the design and provide a fixed price lump sum at close of tender.
The new school was created from the amalgamation of two schools, St. Goban’s College and Ard Scoil Phobail, Bantry to form one main post primary facility accommodating 700 students. The three storey post primary school accommodates 16 classrooms, 31 specialist classrooms, special needs unit, library, staff/administration areas, sports hall, store areas, toilets and ancillary areas. The development is designed to ensure best possible value in terms of education, organisation, operation, extended use for the community and sustainability.
The development along with the school consists of the provision of a full size GAA pitch, five hard surface playing areas, vehicular/pedestrian access, car park, cycling parking areas, bus and car park set down areas. The total gross floor area of the school is 8,298m².
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Donal McCarthy
Chief Operating Officer (COO) Data Centres, Life Sciences & Technology
Donal is Chief Operating Officer (COO) Data Centres, Life Sciences & Technology. Donal has held numerous senior positions since re-joining the company in 2002 following an eight-year period working in the construction industry in New York. Prior to that he worked as a graduate engineer with Sisk, having joined the company in 1990.