Tuesday 22nd September 2020: John Sisk & Son’s Civils Ireland team have won the contract to upgrade Howth Middle Pier. It’s a 13-month programme, beginning next month, for the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
The project involves the extension of Middle Pier to improve access, maintenance and berthing facilities at the north Dublin site. This will involve:
-The construction of a 134m-long quay wall at the western face of the pier and associated deck area, road access, hard standing and parking
-Construction of a rock armour revetment at the eastern side of the Middle Pier
-Land reclamation at the eastern side of the Middle Pier
-Dredging works at the proposed quay wall face
-The treatment and re-use of the dredge spoil within the structure/reclamation area
-Installation of new ancillary services and mooring furniture.
We look forward to getting started on this interesting and challenging project.